Thursday, February 9, 2012

hey there 2012! (yeah i know...i'm a little bit late)

So I know I haven't blogged in months but it's something I definitely (for real this time) want to start doing again.

Since 2012 has started so many things have happened and i'm so excited about them!

First off:
I went through sorority recruitment. period. That itself was enough to wear me out for a couple months. So at Longwood, sororities and recruitment is ran a lot differently than at other colleges. Some colleges take multiple weekends to go through recruitment (aka...Rush) and they have rules where like you can't talk to people and you have to wear the same on and so on...well here it's 3 days of talking to a lot of awesome women in 8 different awesome organizations.

 So the first day of recruitment all the girls going through had to wear this wonderful shirt that CPC gave us. We went around to each of the 8 sororities and got to know the girls there.
This is a picture of (starting from left to right) me, Logan, Morgan, Ashley, and Erin.

My best friend, Ashley, and I had to take a typical BFF picture(:
And the last day of recruitment was dress up day! 

So the last day of recruitment after being all dressed up, everyone preffed (ranked their top sorority) and then went back to their rooms and put on a white shirt and jeans...then waited...and waited...until 3:30 rolled around and we could go see if we got bids! 

After it's found out if bids have been given and then accepted everyone meets up with their sorority and get's all decorated!

Now when everyone is done getting decorated we all get in line and wait to walk (really it should be called run and scream!!) We run towards our sorority and two of our sisters run out and shirt us!
Okay, so it's really hard to get a picture of being shirted because everyone is so excited and running and it's just the most amazing thing in the world! Katie Hopkins and my violet, Fanny, shirted me!(: <3

Now everyone runs and goes takes pictures with their new sorority!
THEN....we all go back to our different Chapter rooms and take pictures with our pledge class!<3

So as you see...this first thing on my list has been the most wonderful thing that has happened all semester! I'm a new member of Tri Sigma! <3

Second off:
.....well we will have to wait and see:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting Involved

So during the summer an email was sent out to Longwood students about applying for SGA Senator positions. So...being "Miss Involved with everything" I, naturally applied to be a senator(: ...well, I was excepted and so here's my cool new shirts!


I's been a while! But i've been so so so busy! is one thing I learned how to do while i've been at college! to french braid my hair!(: I taught myself! so here's a picture!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Being at college has shown me a lot of things. I've made some amazing friends! (North Ham 2nd floor!) :) and i've just been having a blast! Being here has shown me that sometimes we have to let go of things, break ties, and move on with life.

I really like all of my classes...well....i just "like" my History of Rock and Roll class and my Math class <<<it's a really pointless yeah. the end

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lancer Lunatics!

So, I'm about to start day 4 of college life! I've made some great friends and everything is starting to slowly settle down. Last night they had a tailgate party out in front of the Fitness Center with free food, games, prizes, and a bunch of other stuff. While I was there I signed up for the Lancer Lunatics and got one of those discount cards you can take to a bunch of different businesses! Here are the shirts for being a lunatic!
After that I met up with my friends Morgan and Ashley and just walked around campus for a bit(:

Friday, August 19, 2011

all moved in!

So here are the pictures...FINALLY of my dorm room!(:

sissy came to visit my room(:

Friday, August 12, 2011


So today one of my best friends left for college....she's going to the University of South Carolina. I've known her for 13 years of my life. Although lately we haven't been as close as we once still is shocking when your friends move away. In 6 days I will be moving an hour and a half big deal...but another...who i've known for my whole best friend who has always only been 3 streets apart isnt going to be around the corner anymore...she'll be in Winchester, VA....i'll be in Farmville, VA...thats a while away=/ Another one of my best friends will be in Elon, North's already been decided that Farmville is the meeting point, but these friends won't be at the max 20 minutes away...they'll be at the very minimum...2 hours away...i'll truly miss my friends. I have no idea what i will do without them. However, i'm very lucky that 2 of my best friends will be attending Longwood with me, but it's still not the same. I depend on my friends for EVERYTHING. I call them when i'm scared at home, need someone to talk to, have to tell a lame joke or funny license plate, or just to say i'm coming over. We all have to grow up and move away, but that should never mean our friendships need to grow up and move away too. I'll always have a bond with my friends that will never be broken(: